
Logo: Paul Mihai Rus
“Elena Mîndru” Cultural Association (shortly ACEM) is a non-profit organisation, founded in January 2014. At the moment, it’s portfolio include two editions of the Symphonic meets Jazz concert series, in collaboration with the “Transilvania” State Philharmonic Orchestra from Cluj-Napoca and one edition in Târgu Mureș, in collaboration with “Mureșul Superior” Association and the Târgu Mureș State Philharmonic Orchestra. It has also organised one concert within Cluj Never Sleeps event, together with the Day 15 organisation.
The final goal of ACEM is to organise cultural happenings and events through which to raise the awareness of the Romanian public towards good quality live music, aiming to form and develop a basic musical culture and knowledge. The association was also founded in order to participate actively to the cultural life of Elena Mîndru’s hometown Cluj-Napoca.
For proposals and collaborations, please write to the following e-mail: asociatiaculturalaelenamindru@gmail.com